Beside casting feature films, we also cast commercials ALL OVER EUROPE and more (Africa, China, Russia, etc.) and we do not only cast actors but also different kinds of artists (dancers, painters, etc.) and people (sometimes special profiles like real Secret agents etc.).

Exemples of clients : Visualise (London) for BAYER – Euretina (2017) / RITA Films (Paris) for UBISOFT France (2015) / Trigger Happy productions (Berlin) for BMW and SAMSUNG (Director Ralf Schmerberg http://ralfschmerberg.de/ ) (2014 and 2015) / Stay Gold Studios (Los Angeles) for Okinawa Tourism (2015) / Big Fish Filmproduktion GmbH (Berlin) for GOOGLE (2014) / Tank Productions (Warsaw) for IKEA (2014) / Bigshrimp GmbH (Hamburg) for SCHWARZKOPF (2013) / Tony Petersen Film GmbH (Berlin) for Liebeskind (2013) etc.

We also casted documentaries with fictional scenes (for example: for the German director Arne Birkenstock) more seldom for fashion and voices (narrative voices, commentary voices).

Charlotte Roustang, before the founding of the casting studio, also casted several years for Peugeot Media Production in Paris.

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